Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to work...

So I have to go back to work on Tuesday. I always feel anxious during the days leading up to the start of the school year...I hate leaving the kids but at the same time I enjoy the break and being with adults (which then makes me feel guilty). Oh well, such is life as a mother!!
Greg is gone all week again, which sucks but I am starting to get used to it. Emmalyn hates when he leaves, but she is doing better w/it.
I just realized my dog ate my William's Sonoma wooden spoon...ugh. It's my fault, Emmalyn put it in the guinea pig cage earlier and I just took it out and put it on the fireplace where he then grabbed it off. Damn dog...that spoon was like $9.00
Well off to bed, I'm going to take the kid to Sandcastle tomorrow as an "end of summer special day". I'll let them get slushies and!