Saturday, March 3, 2007

Time to journal

I've been very stressed lately, and I have been told that writing will help your vent your feelings. So I am going to try writing a little more. It's funny, I wrote on this eblog last summer and so many things have changed. Emmalyn is 2 now. She's been such a joy these past few months. Its amazing the things she does now and how much she talks. We don't have a baby in the house anymore for sure....we have a little girl who is her own little independent self. Its sad in a way, to look at all the things she does on her own and think back to when she was a baby. Time does fly, and its amazing how quickly she has grown up. We think at times we want another child (only I think this) and I just can't imagine it at this time. Greg is in school, and I am starting another job this spring on top of teaching and it just doesn't seem like the right time. Maybe we'll never have another one, and that will be ok...time will only tell.

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